We propose a processing workflow to enhance the information content of aeromagnetic data. Our workflow is based on the downward continuation and subsequent L-transform of magnetic data. This workflow returns a map showing single highs, which correspond to the location of magnetic bodies, and does not need any a priori information about the source magnetization. We validated our workflow using the aeromagnetic anomalies of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), by a comparison of the reprocessed aeromagnetic anomalies with high-resolution shipborne magnetic data in three selected areas. Through this comparison, we show that the proposed processing workflow of aeromagnetic data leads to more accurate interpretative results. Our results indicate that, in areas where higher resolution data are lacking, the reprocessing of aeromagnetic data according to our workflow may be as decisive as to suggest changes to their previous interpretations or, at least, useful for highlighting areas of special interest, deserving to be magnetically explored by a dedicated high-resolution shipborne survey.