Event coreference resolution (ECR) aims to group event mentions referring to the same realworld event into clusters. Most previous studies adopt the "encoding first, then scoring" framework, making the coreference judgment rely on event encoding. Furthermore, current methods struggle to leverage human-summarized ECR rules, e.g., coreferential events should have the same event type, to guide the model. To address these two issues, we propose a prompt-based approach, CorefPrompt, to transform ECR into a cloze-style MLM (masked language model) task. This allows for simultaneous event modeling and coreference discrimination within a single template, with a fully shared context. In addition, we introduce two auxiliary prompt tasks, event-type compatibility and argument compatibility, to explicitly demonstrate the reasoning process of ECR, which helps the model make final predictions. Experimental results show that our method CorefPrompt 1 performs well in a state-of-the-art (SOTA) benchmark.