Wave velocity as a simple nondestructive method is used for various applications in geotechnical engineering. Several physical parameters and anisotropy related to rock textural arrangements, schistosity and weakness planes such as cracks and joints affect the P-wave velocity (VP). First, VP anisotropy of quartz-mica schist as a common type of widespread metamorphic rock was compared with VP anisotropy of jointed homogeneous limestone specimens to clarify effect of these two different types of anisotropies. The results showed that the VP anisotropy of quartz-mica schist texture is stronger than the VP anisotropy of jointed limestone, because all body of quartz-mica schist specimens have VP anisotropy behavior. Many rocks are anisotropic and degree of anisotropy varies from one rock to another.Several investigations have been carried out on VP anisotropy but there is not a unique comprehensive relation to represent the influence of different degrees of anisotropy on the VP for different rocks. The relation between VP and angle () between the axis of symmetry (perpendicular to weakness planes) with the wave propagation direction was analyzed for a wide range of anisotropy degree using the results of nine different types of rocks including: Angouran quartz-mica schist, Golgohar mica schist, amphibole schist, mica-quart schist, Marcellus shale, Withby shale WUK47B, WUK70 and WUK2, and Veroia-Polymylos gneiss. A new simple empirical relation fitted to all groups of results was obtained to assess VP for different degrees of anisotropies with a good correlation of determination (R 2 = 0.937), low RMSE (RMSE = 320 m/s) and low CV (CV = 7.0%). P wave velocity anisotropy can simply be predicted by the developed relation using only two parameters of VP0 and VP90. A VP anisotropy classification diagram was also developed based on the different values of .