We demonstrate experimentally the tunable control of the joint spectrum, i.e. waveform and degree of frequency correlations, of paired photons generated in spontaneous parametric downconversion. This control is mediated by the spatial shape of the pump beam in a type-I noncollinear configuration. We discuss the applicability of this technique to other sources of frequency entangled photons, such as electromagnetically induced Raman transitions.
PACS numbers:The quantum description of paired photons includes the spatial shape, the polarization state and the joint spectrum. The later contains all the information about bandwidth, type of frequency correlations and waveform of the two-photon state. Quantum light has been proved to be useful in many quantum information applications and the most appropriate form of the joint spectrum depends on the specific realization under consideration. For example, uncorrelated pairs of photons can be used as a source of heralded single photons with a high degree of quantum purity [1,2]; the tolerance against the effects of mode mismatch in linear optical circuits can be enhanced by using photons with appropriately tailored waveform shape [3]; the use of frequency-correlated or anticorrelated photons allows erasing the distinguishing information coming from the spectra when considering polarization entanglement [4,5]; some protocols for quantum enhanced clock synchronization and positioning measurements rely on the use of frequency anticorrelated [6] or correlated photons [7]. Moreover, the entanglement in the frequency domain offers by itself a new physical resource where to explore quantum physics in a high-dimensional Hilbert space [8]. This requires the development of new techniques for the control of the joint spectrum that will allow the generation of multidimensional waveform alphabets.The most widely used method for the generation of pairs of entangled photons is spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC). Notwithstanding, paired photons with the desired joint spectrum may not be harvested directly at the output of the downconverting crystal. The question that arises is how to control independently different aspects of the joint spectrum of entangled paired photons generated in SPDC; importantly, the sought-after techniques should work for any frequency band of interest and any nonlinear crystal.Various methods have been proposed and developed to control the type of frequency correlations and the bandwidth of downconverted photons. Some of these methods rely on an appropriate selection of the nonlinear crystal length and its dispersive properties [4,9]. Others are based on SPDC pumped by pulses with angular dispersion [10] or the design of nonlinear crystal superlattices [11]. Noncollinear SPDC has also been propose as a way to tailor the waveform of the downconverted photons [12,13,14,15,16,17]. Contrary to the case of collinear SPDC, where the transverse spatial shape of the pump beam translate into specific features of the spatial waveform of the two-photon state; in...