This comment contrasts the jointness statistics proposed by Doppelhofer and Weeks (2009) with alternatives proposed by Strachan (2009) and Ley and Steel (2007). In contrast to the alternatives, our jointness statistic constitutes a formal test for dependence over the joint posterior distribution. The essential difference between our proposed measure and the alternatives is that our jointness measures uses the entire joint posterior distribution. We discuss differences in jointness, as well as inclusion and exclusion margins of the joint posterior distribution, and the impact on economic significance using the numerical examples given by Strachan (In Doppelhofer and Weeks (2009), we propose a new measure of dependence or jointness among explanatory variables across the space of linear regression models. Jointness J il is defined in equation (25) of our paper as the natural logarithm of the posterior cross-product ratio. Our jointness measure J il (or equivalently the cross-product ratio) has the interpretation of a formal and standard test for dependence over the joint posterior distribution (cf. Whittaker, 1990). We therefore disagree with Ley and Steel's (2009) criticism of lack of interpretability (their criterion C1) or formal definition of our jointness measure J il .Alternative measures of dependence have been proposed in the statistics literature (see, for example, Edwards, 1963;Lehman, 1966; and the survey by Nelsen, 2004). In a recent paper on the valuation of new goods, Gentzkow (2007) uses an interaction term of marginal utilities of consuming different goods that measures substitutability or complementarity among goods, which is very closely related to our proposed jointness measure.Strachan (2009, henceforth S) proposes an alternative measure of jointness Q J il in equation (2) of his comment, which uses only inclusion probabilities and focuses on marginally significant variables. Building on the working paper version of our paper (Doppelhofer and Weeks, 2005), Ley and Steel (2007, henceforth LS) propose two alternative measures of jointness of explanatory variables x i and x l : J o il , defined as posterior odds of joint relative to mutually exclusive inclusion, and J Ł il , defined as ratio of the joint inclusion probability relative to the probability of including either variable. 1