l2e temples h AS* make a veiy importanpart of the Asspsrnan architectomC tmáition. Nummus as they are (with many subsequentphases, rebuildhg and aitemtions), ihey allaw for a ,Jongue duré"studyt &m táe md-lTIrd m'Uenrunruum B.C. to the late W Z h cenhay B.C. A vanety of schemes employd especidy .!h Jayout of táe ,,core" of the sanctmy and the mah ?culb'c áIict7: speak for a relatively unconstrahed and creative treatment ofplans, ddurg the reign of SamG-Adad 1 (XEXVRItá cenhq) and in the Xm-X7th centuntunies B.C. h the 1st mIJentüum B.C., h the Neo-Aman penn4 táe s a d architecture in ASriiu seems to be of rather secondq, denevative chmcter, following soJu120ns h t applied io new capifals of AsspI -Kalbu and Dur-S&.However, the precmors for these new concepts are stid to be lmked forin ASSUT.