The Josephson effect between triplet and singlet superconductors is studied. Josephson current can flow between triplet and singlet superconductors due to the spin-orbit coupling in the spintriplet superconductor but it is finite only when triplet superconductor has Lz = −Sz = ±1, where Lz and Sz are the perpendicular components of orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum of the triplet Cooper pairs, respectively. The recently observed temperature and orientational dependence of the critical current through a Josephson junction between UPt3 and Nb is investigated by considering a non-unitary triplet state.KEYWORDS: triplet superconductor, odd-parity, spin-orbit coupling Josephson junction Superconductivity in UPt 3 attracts a lot of interests. The existence of two different superconducting phases (A and B phases) as well as the third phase in the magnetic field (C phase) shows that the superconductivity in this system is not a conventional s-wave spin-singlet superconductivity. The possibility of the triplet superconductivity has been discussed.1, 2, 3, 4) The anisotropy of H c2 5) is discussed as an evidence for the triplet superconductivity with the d vector parallel to the c-axis.
2)Experimental results of the Knight shift observed by the NMR 6,7,8) and µSR 9) show the evidence for the triplet superconductivity in UPt 3 .10) The Knight shift is observed to be independent of temperature in the superconducting phase for H > 5 kOe.6, 7, 8) It decreases below T + c (A and B phases) for H < 5 kOe when H b and below T − c (B phase) for H < 2.3 kOe when H ĉ.8) The spin susceptibility for the spin-singlet superconductivity decreases as temperature becomes low, while that for the spin-triplet superconductivity is independent of temperature if the magnetic field is perpendicular to the d vector. Therefore, the magnetic-field and temperature dependences of the Knight sift of UPt 3 can be understood by the spin triplet states. The A and B phases are identified with respectively. 8, 11, 10) Since the Josephson effect is controlled by both the amplitude and the phase of the order parameters, it is a powerful tool to identify the symmetry of the order parameters. Recently, Sumiyama et al.12) have observed the Josephson critical current between a single crystal UPt 3 and an s-wave superconductor Nb. They also observed the Shapiro steps of thehω/(2e). If the Josephson current is caused by the higher-order tunneling or the proximity induced tunneling, the steps ofhω/(2ne) with n ≥ 2 should be observed. 13,14) Thus it is concluded that the Josephson current between UPt 3 and Nb is caused by the ordinary pair tunneling of the Cooper pairs. They found that the critical current is very small in the A phase and it increases steeply as temperature becomes lower than T The order parameters near the interface may be different from those in the bulk. Recently, it has been shown that the localized zero energy state exists at the interface when the order parameter change sign through the reflection.15) The zero energy stat...