We calculate the current-voltage characteristics and critical current I array c of an array of Josephson-coupled superconducting wires. The array has two layers, each consisting of a set of parallel wires, arranged at right angles, such that an overdamped resistively-shunted junction forms wherever two wires cross. A uniform magnetic field equal to f flux quanta per plaquette is applied perpendicular to the layers. If f = p/q, where p and q are mutually prime integers, I array c (f ) is found to have sharp peaks when q is a small integer. To an excellent approximation, it is found in a square array of n 2 plaquettes, that I array c (f ) ∝ (n/q) 1/2 for sufficiently large n. This result is interpreted in terms of the commensurability between the array and the assumed q × q unit cell of the ground state vortex lattice.