The Josephson e ect describes supercurrent flowing through a junction connecting two superconducting leads by a thin barrier 1 . This current is driven by a superconducting phase di erence ϕ between the leads. In the presence of chiral and time-reversal symmetry of the Cooper pair tunnelling process 2 , the current is strictly zero when ϕ vanishes. Only if these underlying symmetries are broken can the supercurrent for ϕ = 0 be finite [3][4][5] . This corresponds to a ground state of the junction being o set by a phase ϕ 0 , di erent from 0 or π. Here, we report such a Josephson ϕ 0 -junction based on a nanowire quantum dot. We use a quantum interferometer device to investigate phase o sets and demonstrate that ϕ 0 can be controlled by electrostatic gating. Our results may have far-reaching implications for superconducting flux-and phase-defined quantum bits as well as for exploring topological superconductivity in quantum dot systems.The process of Cooper pair tunnelling through a Josephson junction (JJ) is, in general, symmetric with respect to time inversion. This has a profound consequence for the JJ current-phase relation, I (ϕ). In particular it imposes the condition I (−ϕ) = −I (ϕ), which in turn results in I (ϕ = 0) being strictly zero. The I (ϕ = 0) = 0 condition is a consequence of the fact that for each process contributing to current flowing in one direction there is an opposite time-reversed process, in which spin-up and spin-down electrons are reversed, that exactly cancels this current. However, time inversion is not the only symmetry which can protect the I (ϕ = 0) = 0 condition. For example, in JJs based on single-domain ferromagnets, time inversion is broken, but the supercurrent is still zero for ϕ = 0 owing to chiral symmetry-that is, the symmetry between leftward and rightward tunnelling. This symmetry ensures that the tunnelling coefficient describing the electron tunnelling from the left lead to the right lead is exactly the same as the one describing the tunnelling in reverse, from the right lead to the left lead. The two tunnelling processes (leftward and rightward) cancel each other, which again results in I (ϕ = 0) being strictly zero. This is even the case for so-called π-junctions 6 , in which the current flow is reversed compared to usual JJs, but still the underlying symmetries guarantee zero current for ϕ = 0. To create conditions for a non-zero supercurrent to flow at ϕ = 0, both symmetries need to be broken 7 . Various ways have been proposed theoretically to break the underlying symmetries and create ϕ 0 -junctions, including ones based on non-centrosymmetric or multilayer ferromagnets 3,8 , quantum point contacts 4 , topological insulators 9,10 , diffusive systems 11,12 , nanowires 13,14 and quantum dots 5,15,16 . Alternatively, an effective built-in phase offset can be obtained by combining 0-and π-junctions in parallel 17,18 . However, no experimental demonstration of a ϕ 0 -junction has been reported until now.In quantum dots (QDs), breaking of both symmetries can be achiev...