We investigate the problem of vortex trapping in cyclically coupled Bose-Josephson junctions. Starting with N independent BECs we couple the condensates through Josephson links and allow the system to reach a stable circulation by adding a dissipative term in our semiclassical equations of motion. The central question we address is what is the probability to trap a vortex with winding number m. Our numerical simulations reveal that the final distribution of winding numbers is narrower than the initial distribution of total phases, indicating an increased probability for novortex configurations. Further, the nonlinearity of the problem manifests itself in the somewhat counter-intuitive result that it is possible to obtain a non-zero circulation starting with zero total phase around the loop. The final width of the distribution of winding numbers for N sites scales as λN α , where α = 0.47 ± 0.01 and λ < 0.67 (value predicted for the initial distribution) indicating a shrinking of the final distribution. The actual value of λ is found to depend on the strength of dissipation.PACS numbers: 03.75. Kk, 03.75.Lm, In the past few years, experiments on annular Josephson tunnel junctions in superconductors [1,2] and BoseEinstein condensates [3,4] have tried to address the role of non-adiabaticity in the spontaneous production of topological defects, a question that has bearing on earlyuniverse cosmology [5,6,7,8]. While a first type of experiments [2] have used a temperature quench through a second-order phase transition from a normal to a superconducting phase, a second type [3,4] uses interference between initially independent condensates as a mechanism to trap vortices. In the case of superconductors the Kibble-Zurek scaling law [6] relating the probability to trap vortices to the quench rate has been tested. Experiments connecting the independent BECs have similarly tried to test the role of the merging rate in determining the probability for observing vortices in the final BEC. Motivated by these experiments we have studied numerically the related problem of a ring-shaped BoseJosephson junction array. We would like to stress that, while there are similarities between our initial conditions and those of the aforementioned experiments, there are also qualitative differences that will be discussed later. Nevertheless, it is quite conceivable that our findings here can be tested in future experiments with ultra-cold atomic gases [9].The problem we study here is that of N independent Bose-Einstein condensates which upon sudden connection become arranged on a ring of weakly coupled condensates. We assume r ≤ ξ 0 , where r is the single condensate radius and ξ 0 is the zero-temperature healing length. This condition ensures that no vortices form within the individual condensates, leaving us only with vortices caused by the phase variation along the ring. At t = 0, simultaneous Josephson contacts are made between each adjacent pair of condensates. As shown in Ref. [10] for the case of two initially independent condensates, ...