The United States of America is a federal state whose history and current activity in the arena of international politics arouse the interest of many people all over the world. This also applies to Poles, who have long recognised the impact of the American economy and politics on Polish history. The interest in the USA among Poles is intensified by the fact that the Polish diaspora in the US is by far the largest in the world, oscillating at around 10 million people. Also significant are the achievements of two monumental figures -Tadeusz Kościuszko and Kazimierz Pułaski -who have their permanent place in the history of Poland and the USA. All this, combined with many perceptions about the USA, mean that about half of Poles sympathise with Americans. 1 In Poles' perceptions, there is also a national personification of the USA, which is Uncle Sam. It was in 1917, the breakthrough year for the Great War, that the most famous depiction of Uncle Sam appeared. Its author was James Montgomery Flagg, who modelled it on a British poster from 1914, which used the figure of Lord Kitchener, well known to many Americans. The prototype for Uncle Sam was the butcher Samuel Wilson, called "Uncle Sam" by his associates. During the British-American War of 1812, Wilson supplied the American army with barrels of salted meat, marked with the initials "U.S." With time, U.S. was also interpreted as an abbreviation for the words Uncle Sam. Whatever the original inspiration, the fact is that as early as the 1 A survey conducted in January 2019 by the Centre for Social Opinion Research, entitled "Relationship to other nations", with a sample of 928 people as a representative group of adult inhabitants of Poland, showed that 51 per cent expressed sympathy for Americans, 14 per cent aversion, 30 per cent indifference, and 5 per cent had no opinion. In the popularity rankings, this gave Americans fifth place behind the Czech Republic (56 per cent), Italy (55 per cent), Slovakia (53 per cent), and Hungary (53 per cent); Stosunek do innych narodów,