Image encryption is different from text encryption; as a result of the bulk data capacity, high redundancy of image data, and the high correlation between the image pixels. Thus, traditional methods are difficult to be used for image encryption as their pseudo-random sequences have a small period without real modification, which causes a restriction in the security and en-cryption of the image.
Different types of JPEG2000 encryption techniques are addressed and discussed in secured and compressed (friendly) based aspects. Moreover, a study of JPEG2000 codec in terms of encryption is achieved in order to be a good tutorial for researchers who have experience in image or video without crypto and selective encryption expertise. Finally, it is also suitable for beginners in the field of image and video security with good expertise in the encryption field.
The importance and sensitive JPEG2000 codec structure is described in a manner that can help researchers to identify steps, requirements, and techniques that should be used to secure image and video content.
PACS: 0000, 1111 2000 MSC: 0000, 1111