Polarized distribution of signaling molecules to axons and dendrites facilitates directional information flow in complex vertebrate nervous systems. The topic we address here is when the key aspects of neuronal polarity evolved. All neurons have a central cell body with thin processes that extend from it to cover long distances, and they also all rely on voltage-gated ion channels to propagate signals along their length. The most familiar neurons, those in vertebrates, have additional cellular features that allow them to send directional signals efficiently. In these neurons, dendrites typically receive signals and axons send signals. It has been suggested that many of the distinct features of axons and dendrites, including the axon initial segment, are found only in vertebrates. However, it is now becoming clear that two key cytoskeletal features that underlie polarized sorting, a specialized region at the base of the axon and polarized microtubules, are found in invertebrate neurons as well. It thus seems likely that all bilaterians generate axons and dendrites in the same way. As a next step, it will be extremely interesting to determine whether the nerve nets of cnidarians and ctenophores also contain polarized neurons with true axons and dendrites, or whether polarity evolved in concert with the more centralized nervous systems found in bilaterians.
KEY WORDS: Axon, Dendrite, Axon initial segment, MicrotubuleIntroduction: are vertebrates special because of their neurons?The elaborate behaviors of vertebrates are made possible by the evolution of nervous systems of unparalleled size and complexity. The developmental mechanisms that assemble the vertebrate nervous system and physical mapping of the circuits that underlie behavior are subjects of intense study. But are the neurons of the vertebrate nervous system themselves also unique or special in some way? Do they have vertebrate-only features that facilitate the assembly of large, complex nervous systems? Or is the vertebrate nervous system based on an ancient and highly adaptable neuronal cell type? Understanding the evolutionary history of neurons is critical to understanding how vertebrate nervous systems and behavior came to be. Another very practical reason for asking these questions is that it is helpful to know which features of neurons are shared with and can thus be studied in cheap, efficient invertebrate model systems. Vertebrate-specific neuronal features, in contrast, must be studied in model systems such as zebrafish or mouse, for which time and expense often limit the scientific questions that can be asked.The polarized functional organization of neurons that facilitates assembly of complex circuits might be a good candidate for being associated specifically with vertebrates. Indeed, in a highly cited review on neuronal polarity from 1994, invertebrate neurons are seen as 'sufficiently different' in terms of organization from vertebrate neurons that the polarized sorting mechanisms are suggested to also differ (Craig and Banker, 1994...