“…The diverse physical parameters, including density (ρ g , g/cm 3 ), the molecular weights (M wt , g/mol), molar volume (V mol , cm 3 /mol), oxygen volume (V OXG , cm 3 /mol), oxygen packing density (OPD, g atom/l), indirect optical band gap (E ind opt , eV), refractive index (n), molar refractivity (R mol , cm 3 /mol), molar polarizability (α mol , (A • ) 3 ), refraction loss (R Loss ), dielectric constant (ε), polaron radius (r pl , A • ), inter ionic distance (r in , A • ), RE ion concentration (N × 10 20 , ions/cm 3 ), and field strength (F s × 10 14 , cm −2 ), were calculated using the expressions provided in the literature [14], and the estimated values are shown in Table 3. Equation ( 1) was used to calculate the density value (ρ g ) [15].…”