The article is devoted to one of the most urgent problems of the social life – to the identifying the risks of young people’s deviance. For modern Russian realities, the growth of deviant phenomena in a given social group is characteristic. This testifies to the shortcomings of the organization of preventive social control, which is not limited to the development of a policy on prevention, but is more dependent on professional practices and ideas about the risks of deviance in the discourses of various control agents. The article presents the main approaches to understanding risks, the importance of studying risks in everyday professional practices of control agents is examined. The main attention is paid to the presentation of the research results, the purpose of which was to identify the general and specific in the content of discourses of social control agents regarding the risks of deviance of youth. The discourses of the main agents of control – police, school, social service institutions (state and non-state) are considered. The author comes to the conclusion that in the police and teacher discourses, an institutional approach, involving the use of external control of behavior, is predominantly used. The discourse of social security institutions is closer to the modern concepts of riskand protective factors, based on the need to consider life situations of youth and the development of internal control. This article may be of interest to specialists working in the field of the sociology of youth, the sociology of the family, social work, as well as to representatives of all agents of preventive social control.