The present work deals with the diversity of spiders during the monsoon within the Saurashtra University Campus, Rajkot, Gujarat. A total of 38 species of spiders belonging to 32 genera and 14 families were recorded. Araneidae (25.81%) was found to be the most dominant family, with nine species from five genera. Guild structure analysis revealed seven feeding guilds, among all 31% most dominant feeding guilds represented by orb-web builders and stalkers, followed by ground runners (13%), irregular webs (10%), ambushers (7%), foliage hunters (6%), and space-web builders (2%). Ecological indices reveal high species richness (Margalef’s d = 8.97) and diversity (Shannon Index H’ = 3.526, Fisher alpha diversity α = 41.73). It concludes that the abundance of spider species at this study site was high and the evenness index was also high (e >0, e = 0.8944). These findings suggest the absence of stress elements in the study area.