Discrimination on cultural and ethnic grounds is a crime in Nepal. [Caste Based Discrimination and Untouchability (Offence and Punishment) Act, 2068 (2011) * * There are two different dates which reflect the Bikram Sambat which is the official Hindu calendar in Nepal. This calendar is 57 years ahead of Gregorian calendar. For example, 19 August 2017 AD is 03 Bhadra 2074 Bikram Sambat. Thus, the date 2068 is in Bikram Sambat, 2011 is per Gregorian calendar which is unofficial so kept in parenthesis. This text is available online from: http://www.ilo.org/aids/legislation/WCMS_190732/lang-en/index.htm . ]. However, cases of caste-based discrimination continue and have been reported in the newspapers. They occur because most families refuse to accept inter-caste marriages in Nepal as they fear they will become social outcasts. We present a tragic case where a young couple in their 20s made a pact to end their lives by jumping from Nepal's highest suspension bridge. Preliminary police investigation suggested their inter-caste relationship was the reason.