Let Φ(u) be an N-function and let L (Φ) [0, 1] and L Φ [0, 1] be the Orlicz function spaces equipped with the gauge norm and the Orlicz norm respectively. The author refines some results on the upper bounds of the weak convergent sequence coefficients WCS(L (Φ) [0, 1]) and WCS(L Φ [0, 1]) given in [8] and [7, Ch.3.2]. Theorems 1 and 2 are given in Section 2. Several examples, given in Section 3, are used to make comments upon the papers of Yan [11], [12] and [13].Keywords Orlicz space · WCS coefficient and normal structure coefficient
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) 46B30
PreliminariesBynum[1] introduced the following.Definition 1 (i) For a Banach space X without the Schur property, the weak convergent sequence (WCS) coefficient of X is defined by: {x i , i 1} ⊂ X is weakly but not strongly convergent sequence ,