“…The new critical geopolitics of the spaces of flow and cyberspaces were given attention (Luke, 1991(Luke, , 1993Wark, 1994), as the sudden and sometimes unexpected processes of political de-and reterritorialization (ÓTuathail and Luke, 1994;Agnew and Corbridge, 1995) and the eagerness to declare a 'New World Order ' (ÓTuathail, 1993). Finally, the critical geopolitics of environmental problems was thoroughly investigated by Simon Dalby (1992Dalby ( , 1996, 'culminating' in the book Environmental Security (Dalby, 2002) while Gearoid ÓTuathail (Gerard Toal) has focused on the US engagement in the former Yugoslavia (ÓTuathail, 1999(ÓTuathail, , 2002ÓTuathail and Dahlman, 2005) and more recently in Iraq (ÓTuathail, 2003(ÓTuathail, , 2005. 25.…”