The gene sequence of Manduca sexta juvenile hormone diol kinase (JHDK) codes for an enzyme that has 59% sequence identity to Drosophila melanogaster sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein-2 (dSCP2). JHDK and dSCP2 are similar to G-proteins with three conserved sequence elements involved in purine nucleotide binding. Both proteins contain two pairs of EF-hand motifs. Characterization and partial purification of the D. melanogaster homolog of M. sexta JHDK from adult D. melanogaster gave material with JHDK activity. This activity has an experimental pI and molecular mass that are nearly identical to those of dSCP2. Moreover, D. melanogaster phosphotransferase activity has very similar chromatographic retention in three systems compared with M. sexta JHDK. Substrate docking to threedimensional models of JHDK has shown that the three conserved nucleotide-binding elements surround the putative substrate-binding site and align with conserved sequence elements of p21Ras and adenylate kinase. D. melanogaster dSCP2 is a homolog of M. sexta JHDK, and these proteins constitute a novel kinase family that binds nucleotides using the scaffold of an SCP (Protein Data Bank code 2SCP).Endocrine control of embryonic and post-embryonic development in insects is primarily accomplished by juvenile hormone (JH) 1 and ecdysteroids (1). Development proceeds through a series of molts and metamorphosis, where the function of JH is to regulate the character of the molt; metamorphosis is characterized by a sharp decrease in JH, and adult molting by the absence of JH (1). JH levels are regulated by de novo biosynthesis (2) and catabolism (3). Cellular JH metabolism involves a microsomal JH epoxide hydrolase that metabolizes JH to JH diol and a soluble JH diol kinase (JHDK) that catalyzes the formation of JH diol phosphate. JHDK is a homodimer with a subunit molecular mass of 20 kDa that uses MgATP or MgGTP as a phosphate donor to effectively catabolize JH I, II, or III diol by placing a phosphate group on the C-10 hydroxyl, thereby creating JH diol phosphate, the water-soluble end metabolite of JH catabolism (4).In this study, we report the sequencing and cloning of Manduca sexta JHDK, the molecular modeling of JHDK and Drosophila melanogaster sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein-2 (dSCP2), and the partial purification and characterization of the D. melanogaster homolog of M. sexta JHDK. We show with high probability that the product of the D. melanogaster dSCP2 gene is the D. melanogaster homolog of M. sexta JHDK. Each is a member of a novel kinase family that is structurally similar to SCPs.
Chemicals and D. melanogaster Protein Preparations-Ampholyteswere obtained from Bio-Rad. 3-Octylthio-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanone was from Dr. Bruce D. Hammock (University of California, Davis, CA). Aprotinin, 4-(2-aminoethyl)benzenesulfonyl fluoride, pepstatin, and high-grade (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 were purchased from Sigma. Lysyl endopeptidase (Lys-C) was obtained from Wako Bioproducts (Richmond, VA). The synthesis of (10S,11S)- [10-3 H...