The free and total activities of four acid hydrolases were assayed in the liver of young rats during the 3 days period following the end of a lysine and threonine deficiency.1. There is a slight decrease at 15 h in the total activities of deoxyribonuclease, ribonuclease, P-glycerophosphatase and 8-glucuronidase, on a wet weight tissue basis. These activities get back to starting values later on, except for deoxyribonuclease which has risen by a factor of 1.8 after 3 days.2. Free activities expressed as percentages of total activities increase more or less rapidly and steadily during the recovery period. The free activity of deoxyribonuclease has augmented after 2 and 3 days; that ofb-glucuronidase rises already after 15 h and stays elevated for 3 days; that of the other hydrolases is above the starting level only at the end of the first day.3. These data suggest a labilization of the lysosomes and a net synthesis of acid deoxyribonuclease. The possible effects of these modifications of hepatic lysosomes on the first mitotic wave and on the other cellular alterations which follow the end of protein malnutrition are discussed.La fin d'une carence de trois semaines en lysine et en threonine provoque, dans le foie du jeune rat, le developpement d'une vague mitotique assez bien synchronisee qui se manifeste avec un maximum d'intensit6 au deuxieme jour de la r6alimentation) apr& une recharge d6jA substantielle des h6patocytes en RNA et proteines [1-31.Nous avons prkcis6 prec6demment comment 6voluent) pendant les 72 h qui suivent la fin de la malnutrition, les activit6s enzymatiques suivantes, impliqu6es dans le mktabolisme du DNA: la thymidine kinase, la dTMP kinase, la dTMP phosphatase acide, la thymidine phosphorylase et la 4,5-dihydrothymine dkshydrog6nase.I1 nous a paru int6essant d'etudier biochimiquement le comportement des lysosomes pendant la m6me periode car les auteurs qui Btudient la prolif6ration des h6patocytes aprhs hepatectomie partielle constatent des modifications dans la localisation et la