Occurrence of a syenite body near Mannapra, Trichur district, Kerala, is reported. The syenite, emplaced within charnockitic country rocks along the Idamalayar faultlineament, is exposed over an area of 8 km 2. The rock, classified as quartz alkali feldspar syenite based on Q-A-P proportions, has alkali feldspar as the dominant mineral constituent which shows variation in perthitic texture from r to micro-and patch-perthites. Both ortho-and clino-pyroxenes are present, with the former showing blebs of plagioclase suggesting Al-unmixing. Clinopyroxene shows subsolidus reequilibration with greenish pleochroic grain margins and local conversion to alkali amphibole. The petrochemical characters indicate that the syenite crystallized from a partial melt which equilibrated from Krich, Rb-depleted source in the upper mantle, in response to crustal distension and mantle degassing prior to the rifting of the continent. Reaction between early formed minerals and the late peralkaline liquid towards the residual phase resulted in subsolidus reequilibration textures. The syenite is envisaged to be yet another example of the manifestation ofanorogenic magmatism in this part of the Indian shield.