We prove the K-polystability of all smooth complex Fano threefolds admitting an effective action of SL 2 but not of a 2-torus or 3-torus. In particular, the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics on varieties in the families (1.10), (1.15), (1.16), (1.17), (2.21), (2.27), (2.32), (3.13), (3.17), (3.25) and (4.6) of the Mori-Mukai classification of smooth Fano threefolds is proved.Theorem 2.2. [CDS15] A smooth complex Fano variety X admits a Kähler-Einstein metric if and only if (X, K −1 X ) is K-polystable. Unfortunately, since there are generally infinitely many test configurations for a given polarised variety, it is very difficult to check K-(poly/semi)stability in the general case, even accounting for the Li-Xu theorem.The α-invariant of Tian [Tia87] was for a long time one of the only practical methods to check K-(poly)stability. Recently, work of Abban-Zhuang [AZ20,AZ21] has provided other more powerful methods of verification. Otherwise, most progress on this front has come from the equivariant perspective due to the work of Datar-Székelyhidi [DS15], which we summarise now.Definition 2.5. Let X be a G-variety, and let π : L → X be a line bundle on X. We say that L is G-linearised if there is a G-action on L such that π is G-equivariant and the map π −1 (x) → π −1 (g • x) induced on the fibres is linear for all g ∈ G and all x ∈ X.Definition 2.6. Let G be a reductive algebraic group and let (X, L) be a polarised variety with a G-action on X such that L is G-linearised. A test configuration (X , L) of exponent m is G-equivariant if there is a G-action on (X , L) which commutes with the C × action and such that the isomorphisms between (X, L ⊗m ) and (X t , L t ) for t = 0 are G-equivariant. Then (X, L) is equivariantly K-(poly/semi)stable if it is K-(poly/semi)stable with respect to G-equivariant special test configurations.The main result of Datar-Székelyhidi is the following: Theorem 2.3. [DS15] Let G be a reductive algebraic group and let X be a smooth complex Fano G-variety. Then (X, K −1 X ) is equivariantly K-polystable if and only if X admits a Kähler-Einstein metric.Remark. We should mention that the result of Datar-Székelyhidi has been generalised to the singular case when G is finite by Liu-Zhu [LZ20] and for general reductive groups by Zhuang [Zhu21]. Specifically, Zhuang uses a purely algebraic argument showing (among other things) that K-polystability of a log Fano pair (X, ∆) is equivalent to G-equivariant K-polystability when G is reductive.2.2. β invariant. Here we discuss an invariant introduced by Fujita [Fuj16] and Li [Li17] which they have shown to have an intimate connection to K-stability. We must first include some preliminary definitions.