We describe chromatic localisations of genuine L-spectra of discrete rings and deduce that the purity property of K(1)-local K-theory of rings established by Bhatt-Clausen-Mathew also holds in Grothendieck-Witt theory. In addition, we collect some results on higher chromatic localisations of various L-theory spectra and their consequences for Grothendieck-Witt theory.The recent times have shown many advances in chromatically localised algebraic K-theory, notably its relation to étale K-theory, redshift, and purity phenomena [AKS20, AKQ20, BCM20, CM21, CMNN20, HW21, LMMT20, Mat21, Yua21]. In addition, in the series of papers [CDH + 20a, CDH + 20b, CDH + 20c, CDH + 22] we have shown that Grothendieck-Witt theory, also known as hermitian K-theory, sits in a fibre sequence with algebraic K-theory and L-theory. The purpose of this short note is to collect some results on chromatically localised L-theory and to use this to lift some of the purity and redshift results from algebraic K-theory to Grothendieck-Witt theory.