The Douglas-Rachford (DR) method is a widely used method for finding a point in the intersection of two closed convex sets (feasibility problem). However, the method converges weakly and the associated rate of convergence is hard to analyze in general. In addition, the direct extension of the DR method for solving more-than-two-sets feasibility problems, called the r-sets-DR method, is not necessarily convergent. Recently, the introduction of randomization and momentum techniques in optimization algorithms has attracted increasing attention as it makes the algorithms more efficient. In this paper, we show that randomization is powerful for the DR method and can make the divergent r-sets-DR method converge. Specifically, we propose the randomized r-sets-DR (RrDR) method for solving the linear system Ax = b and prove its linear convergence in expectation, and the convergence rate does not depend on the dimension of the matrix A. We also study RrDR with heavy ball momentum and show that it converges at an accelerated linear rate. Numerical experiments are provided to confirm our results and demonstrate the significant improvement in accuracy and efficiency of the DR method that randomization and momentum bring.C i where C i := {x : a i , x = b i }.