In a recent paper, Darvas-Rubinstein proved a convergence result for the Kähler-Ricci iteration, which is a sequence of recursively defined complex Monge-Ampère equations. We introduce the Monge-Ampère iteration to be an analogous, but more general, sequence of recursively defined real Monge-Ampère second boundary value problems, and we establish sufficient conditions for its convergence. We then determine two cases where these conditions are satisfied and provide geometric applications for both. First, we give a new proof of Darvas and Rubinstein's theorem on the convergence of the Ricci iteration in the case of toric Kahler manifolds, while at the same time generalizing their theorem to general convex bodies. Second, we introduce the affine iteration to be a sequence of prescribed affine normal problems and prove its convergence to an affine sphere, giving a new approach to an existence result due to Klartag.