A Sasaki-Einstein manifold is a Riemannian manifold (S, g) that is both Sasakian and Einstein.Sasakian geometry is the odd-dimensional cousin of Kähler geometry. Indeed, just as Kähler geometry is the natural intersection of complex, symplectic, and Riemannian geometry, so Sasakian geometry is the natural intersection of CR, contact, and Riemannian geometry. Perhaps the most straightforward definition is the following: a Riemannian manifold (S, g) is Sasakian if and only if its metric cone C(S) = R >0 × S, ḡ = dr 2 + r 2 g is Kähler. In particular, (S, g) has odd dimension 2n − 1, where n is the complex dimension of the Kähler cone.A metric g is Einstein if Ric g = λg for some constant λ. It turns out that a Sasakian manifold can be Einstein only for λ = 2(n − 1), so that g has positive Ricci curvature. Assuming, as we shall do throughout, that (S, g) is complete, it follows from Myers' Theorem that S is compact with finite fundamental group. Moreover, a simple calculation shows that a Sasakian metric g is Einstein with Ric g = 2(n − 1)g if and only if the cone metric ḡ is Ricci-flat, Ric ḡ = 0. It immediately follows that for a Sasaki-Einstein manifold the restricted holonomy group of the cone Hol 0 (ḡ) ⊂ SU (n).The canonical example of a Sasaki-Einstein manifold is the odd dimensional sphere S 2n−1 , equipped with its standard Einstein metric. In this case the Kähler cone is C n \ {0}, equipped with its flat metric.A Sasakian manifold (S, g) inherits a number of geometric structures from the Kähler structure of its cone. In particular, an important role is played by the Reeb vector field. This may be defined as ξ = J(r∂ r ), where J denotes the integrable complex structure of the Kähler cone. The restriction of ξ to S = {r = 1} = {1} × S ⊂ C(S) is a unit length Killing vector field, and its orbits thus define a one-dimensional foliation of S called the Reeb foliation. There is then a classification of Sasakian manifolds, and hence also Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, according to the global properties of this foliation. If all the orbits of ξ are compact, and hence circles, then ξ