Let E be a holomorphic vector bundle over a compact Kähler manifold (X, ω) with negative sectional curvature sec ≤ −K < 0, D E be the Chern connection on E. In this article we show that if E) satisfy a family of Chern number inequalities. The main idea in our proof is study the L 2 ∂ Ẽ -harmonic forms on lifting bundle Ẽ over the universal covering space X. We also observe that there is a closely relationship between the eigenvalue of the Laplace-Beltrami operator ∆ ∂ Ẽ and the Euler characteristic of X. Precisely, if there is a line bundle L on X such that χ p (X, L ⊗m ) is not constant for some integers p ∈ [0, n], then the Euler characteristic of X satisfies (−1) n χ(X) ≥ (n + 1) + ⌊ cnK 2nC ⌋.