We analyse type IIA Calabi-Yau orientifolds with background fluxes and D6-branes.The presence of D6-brane deformation moduli redefines the 4d dilaton and complex structure fields and complicates the analysis of such vacua in terms of the effective Kähler potential and superpotential. One may however formulate the F-term scalar potential as a bilinear form on the flux-axion polynomials ρ A invariant under the discrete shift symmetries of the 4d effective theory. We express the conditions for Minkoswki and AdS flux vacua in terms of such polynomials, which allow to extend the analysis to include vacua with mobile D6-branes. We find a new, more general class of N = 0 Minkowski vacua, which nevertheless present a fairly simple structure of (contravariant) F-terms. We compute the soft-term spectrum for chiral models of intersecting D6-branes in such vacua, finding a quite universal pattern. arXiv:1811.09282v2 [hep-th]