This study was assesed based on representative speech acts. The purpose of this study was to obtain factual data on representative speech acts spoken by Khairudin, aged 60 years, and diagnosed with multiple aphasia since 2018. This study used a qualitative type with descriptive methods, and used data collection techniques in the form of techniques of lisnening, free, competent, noted and recorded record. The result of data analisys found data in conversations (1), (2), and (3), in the form of representative speech atcs reported. Data on conversation (1), such as one, two, three, means that it is the first. In the conversation data (2) it was found that Khairudin told him that he did not perform Friday prayers, such as ciko, ciko Lailahailallah, meaning 'here, here, Lailahailallah'. Furthermore, Khairudin intends to inform that five prayers should be performed at the mosque, such as ha iko ha, meaning 'ha this ha'. In conversation (3), ha iko kan tigo limo is found, meaning 'ha is three five'. The speech meant, Khairudin wanted to tell him that he bought glasses for Rp 35.000,00. Next data, which is ndak do do kan? Iko ndak ado, ha iko, meaning 'no right? This doesn't exist ha'. Khairudin intends to tell him that the glasses for Rp 30.000,00 he is looking for do not exist.