DOI: 10.1016/s1672-0229(10)60008-3
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KaKs_Calculator 2.0: A Toolkit Incorporating Gamma-Series Methods and Sliding Window Strategies

Abstract: We present an integrated stand-alone software package named KaKs_Calculator 2.0 as an updated version. It incorporates 17 methods for the calculation of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates; among them, we added our modified versions of several widely used methods as the gamma series including γ-NG, γ-LWL, γ-MLWL, γ-LPB, γ-MLPB, γ-YN and γ-MYN, which have been demonstrated to perform better under certain conditions than their original forms and are not implemented in the previous version. The packag… Show more

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Cited by 1,457 publications
(1,050 citation statements)
References 15 publications
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“…A phylogenic tree constructed using SI, IC-B, 9301B, WA.USA/17.98, and reference strains (66) was drawn using FigTree software. Ka/K s calculations were performed using KaKs Calculator version 2.0 software (64). Briefly, using the two nucleotide sequences of each protein-coding region, the nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates (Ka and K s , respectively) were calculated by counting the numbers of nonsynonymous and synonymous sites (NA and NS, respectively) and the numbers of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions (MA and MS, respectively).…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…A phylogenic tree constructed using SI, IC-B, 9301B, WA.USA/17.98, and reference strains (66) was drawn using FigTree software. Ka/K s calculations were performed using KaKs Calculator version 2.0 software (64). Briefly, using the two nucleotide sequences of each protein-coding region, the nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates (Ka and K s , respectively) were calculated by counting the numbers of nonsynonymous and synonymous sites (NA and NS, respectively) and the numbers of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions (MA and MS, respectively).…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Since these filtering processes resulted in , 100 SAST alignments associated with AltTE events, we focused only IntronR, ExonS, AltA, and AltD events for this analysis. Selection pressure on AS events at the amino acid level was measured by determining the Ka/Ks ratios using KaKs_Calculator2.0 through model averaging (Wang et al 2010), and functional constraints were measured with Ks value. To minimize errors introduced by alignments, or due to paralogs that may result when comparing loci across large phylogenetic distances, the Ka/Ks evaluation of conserved AS events was limited to those events originating within orthologous grass genome loci that also exhibit conserved synteny (defined above).…”
Section: Measure Of Selection Pressure On Asmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…To investigate which genes may be associated with certain traits that have made M. oleifera's successful, we conducted positive selection analysis. Blast and KaKs_Calculator [54] compared orthologs between M. oleifera and each one of Carica papaya, Vitis vinifera and Malus domstica, and respectively found 566, 399, 112 genes of M. oleifera with Ka/Ks ratio>1 (significance, P<0.05; see Table S11, Table S12, Table S13). We further found four genes that overlap among the three gene sets (Figure 2).…”
Section: Positively Selected Genes In M Oleifera Genomementioning
confidence: 99%