Two interacting particles (TIP) in a disordered chain propagate beyond the single particle localization length ξ1 up to a scale ξ2 > ξ1. An initially strongly localized TIP state expands almost ballistically up to ξ1. The expansion of the TIP wave function beyond the distance ξ1 1 is governed by highly connected Fock states in the space of noninteracting eigenfunctions. The resulting dynamics is subdiffusive, and the second moment grows as m2 ∼ t 1/2 , precisely as in the strong chaos regime for corresponding nonlinear wave equations. This surprising outcome stems from the huge Fock connectivity and resulting quantum chaos. The TIP expansion finally slows down towards a complete halt -in contrast to the nonlinear case.PACS numbers: 63.20.Pw, 63.20.Ry, Anderson localization (AL), the absence of diffusion in linear lattice wave equations due to disorder 1 , is now broadly seen as a fundamental physical phenomenon manifested by light, sound, and matter waves 2,3 . Rigorous results state that in one dimension all single-particle (SP) states become exponentially localized at arbitrary weak disorder [4][5][6] . Going beyond the assumption of noninteracting particles or linear waves has proved to be extremely complex, and the current answers on the interplay between disorder and interactions remain controversial and debated.For quantum many body systems predictions range from no major effect of interactions 7 to the emergence of a finite-temperature AL transition already in dimension one 8 . Advance has been achieved within mean field approximations, which lead to nonlinear wave equations like the Gross-Pitaevsky equation 9 . Recent analytical and numerical studies demonstrate that nonlinearity breaks AL and leads to subdiffusive wave packet propagation, caused by nonintegrability, deterministic chaos, phase decoherence and a consequent loss of wave localization [10][11][12][13][14][15][16] . A positive measure of initially localized excitations gets delocalized for an arbitrarily small nonlinearity, tending to one above some threshold which may depend on the initial state 17 .Few interacting quantum particles may bridge the two extremes from above. In particular the case of two interacting particles (TIP) appears to be an interesting testing ground for any of the above statements. There is not much doubt that the TIP case also yields a finite localization length ξ 2 , similar to but potentially much larger than the single particle localization length ξ 1 . Most of the studies only debate whether and how the TIP localization length ξ 2 scales with ξ 1 18-23 . Paradoxically, almost nothing is known on the interaction induced wave packet dynamics beyond ξ 1 . Numerical experiments explored only the case of the strong disorder, limiting to small connectivity of TIP states in the relevant Hilbert space of the problem, to report, unsurprisingly, quite a trivial ballistic expansion up to ξ 1 followed by a quick saturation 24 . Here we report the first study of TIP wave packet dynamics much beyond the single particle localiza...