Nostoc commune become one of the microalgae that can be found in Indonesia. Nostoc commune is an edible blue-green microalgae that has been used as a delicacy or herbal medicine in various countries. Nostoc commune contains high concentrations of carbohydrates, crude protein, and micronutrients. The purpose of this research is to know the proximate content of Nostoc commune in the rice field habitat of Gilianyar, Bangkalan Regency, East Java. The method used in this study includes 2 steps, namely direct observation (on site) and observations in the laboratory. Direct observation was carried out by taking samples of Nostoc commune regularly purposive sampling and water samples and water quality measurements on site which includes pH, DO (Dissolved Oxygen), temperature, salinity and light intensity were carried out with 3 location points and 2 repetitions. Observations in the laboratory include proximate analysis, nitrate and phosphate according to standard procedures. The average yield of nutrient concentrations Nostoc commune among others, moisture content 24.78%, ash content 0.6055%, fat content 0.92%, protein content 0.47%, crude fiber content 1.190% and carbohydrate content 72.0378% .