We present the invited lectures given at the second Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics (AEPSHEP), which took place in Puri, India in November 2014. The series of lectures aimed at graduate students in particle experiment/theory, covering the very basics of flavor physics and CP violation, some useful theoretical methods such as OPE and effective field theories, and some selected topics of flavour physics in the era of LHC.
Short introductionWe present the invited lectures given at the second Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics (AEPSHEP), which took place in Puri, India in November 2014. The physics background of students attending the school are diverse as some of them were doing their PhD studies in experimental particle physics, others in theoretical particle physics. The lectures were planned and organized, such that students from different background can still get benefit from basic topics of broad interest in a modern way, trying to explain otherwise complicated concepts necessary to know for understanding the current ongoing researches in the field, in a relatively simple language from first principles.