Appropriate maintenance of machinery and production equipment allows for smooth production, eliminates downtime related to failures, improves work safety and improves the productivity of an enterprise. Wellfunctioning machines allow for production of high-quality products. This is an important topic especially in enterprises of the metallurgical industry due to the specificity. They usually work in system 24/7, what is more, machines and devices are used in the most effective way possible. In addition, an important factor is the ability to produce products with appropriate quality parameters, because many of these products are used, e.g. in various machines, vehicles, constructions or buildings. The purpose of the paper was to assess the production devices of one of the rolling mills in Poland in terms of its condition and use. Chosen technical and technological indicators typical of metallurgical enterprises were used for this assessment. This research covered 5 consecutive years. Slight fluctuations in the values of the research indicators were noted, which is why the machine breaks were additionally examined.