Abstract. It is well known that an integral domain D is a UFD if and only if every nonzero prime ideal of D contains a nonzero principal prime. This is the so-called Kaplansky's theorem. In this paper, we give this type of characterizations of a graded PvMD (resp., G-GCD domain, GCD domain, Bézout domain, valuation domain, Krull domain, π-domain).
IntroductionThis is a continuation of our works on Kaplansky-type theorems [13,20] Later, in [20], the second-named author gave a Kaplansky-type characterization of G-GCD domains and PvMDs and gave an ideal-wise version of Kaplansky-type theorems. This ideal-wise version is then used to give characterizations of UFDs, π-domains, and Krull domains. , let c(f ) be the ideal of D generated by the coefficients of f . In [13], the first two authors of this paper studied an integral domain D such that every upper to zero in D[X] contains a prime (resp., primary) element,