Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan software anti mischem yang dikembangkan untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi pada materi asam basa kelas 11 dengan menggunakan stratgei conceptual chnage text. Kelayakan sebuah software dapat ditinjau tiga aspek, meliputi (1) Validitas dapat ditunjukan dengan validasi isi dan validasi konstruk, (2) Kepraktisan dapat ditunjukan dengan hasil angket respon siswa yang didukung dengan hasil obesrvasi aktivitas siswa, (3) Keefektifan dapat ditunjukan dengan hasil pergeseran konsepsi siswa dari miskonsepsi menjadi paham konsep. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu metode Research and Development (R&D) yang dikembangkan oleh Sugiyono, dengan subjek 15 siswa SMAN 1 Krembung yang mempunyai persentase miskonsepsi tertinggi. Hasil penelitian yang dipeoleh menunjukan bahwa software dinyakatakan layak untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa dalam materi asam basa dengan ditunjukannya perolehan validasi isi mendapatkan persentase rata–rata sebesar 84,63% dan validasi konstruk memperoleh 82,22%, kepraktisan dari hasil angket respon siswa mendapat rata–rata persentase sebesar 78,33% dan obsevasi aktivitas siswa mendapat rata-rata persentase 85,83%, serta keefektifan bisa ditunjukan dengan hasil pergeseran konsepsi siswa yang awalnya miskonsepsi menjadi paham konsep mendapatkan rata-rata persentase 85,52%.
Kata kunci : Software Anti Mischem, Miskonsepsi, Conceptual Change Text, Asam Basa.
The aims of this research are to know the feasibility of software anti mischem developed to reduce misconceptions material acid-base in 11th grade by using conceptual change text strategy. The feasibility of software can be reviewed in three aspects, including (1) Validity can be reviewed from the content validation and construct validation, (2) Practicality can be demonstrated by the results of student response questionnaires that are supported by the results of student activity observation, (3) Effectiveness can be demonstrated by the results of students' conception shifts from misconception to conceptual understanding. The method used in the research is the Research and Development (R&D) method by Sugiyono, with the subject of 15 high school students 1 Krembung who has the highest percentage of misconceptions. The results obtained showed that the software was said to be feasible for reducing students misconception in acid-base material by demonstrating the content validation getting an average percentage of 84.76% and the construct validation of getting 82.22%, the practicality of the results of the student questionnaire responses getting an average percentage of 78.33% and observing the activities of students getting an average the percentage of 85.83%, as well as effectiveness can be demonstrated by results the conception shift of students who initially misconception into understanding the concept of getting an average percentage of 85.52%.
Keywords: Software Anti-Mischem, Misconception, Conceptual Change Text, Acid-Base.