Briquettes are one of the renewable energies included in the solid fuel category. The raw material of briquettes used in this research was made from the mixture of rubber seed shell and stem of senggani. The composition of the mixture of rubber seed shell and senggani are 100%:0%, 75%:25%, 50%:50%, 25%:75%, 0%:100%. An adhesive used was 10% starch glue. The briquettes were formed with die pressure 100Psi and 110Psi. The objective of this study was to identify the property of briquettes base on the variation of briquette presses, as well as the calorific value of briquette and also determining the best mix variation according to SNI 01-6235-2000 quality standard. The results show that the variation of composition and die pressure gives effect to water content, ash and calorific value of briquette. For moisture content, only 110 psi pressure values meet the SNI standard (under 8%), while for ash and calorific values, all pressure variations meet the SNI standard (ash under 8% and calorific values above 5000Kal/g). The lowest water content was found in the 25% mixture of the rubber seed shell and 75% stem of senggani with a pressure of 110Psi. The lowest ash was found in 100% of rubber shell with value 3.7% and the highest calorific value was found in 100% rubber shell with value 6608.63 Cal/g.