Setia Kawan Group is the partner of Samawa University in the Partner Village Development Program (PPDM) in producing iodized salt. The assistance provided to the Setia Kawan Group aims to overcome the problems faced by the group, especially the low salt production quality and quantity as well as the low salt prices which affect their business’s development negatively. The methods of carrying out PPDM activities include counseling, training, equipment procuring, and assisting. With assistance through PPDM, the quantity of salt production has increased to 40 tons. In terms of quality, the salt meets the requirements of iodized salt raw material. So far, Setia Kawan Group sells salt only in the form of Krosok salt at a price of Rp 2,000 per kg. The production of iodized salt will definitely increase the income of Setia Kawan Group. Iodized salt is sold at Rp. 3,000 per 400 grams. If it is calculated, the income of the Setia Kawan Group increased by Rp.5,500/Kg.