UVA and UVB sunlight can damage skin tissue. The flavonoids and polyphenols in purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) leaf extract of the Antin-3 variety nanoencapsulated was able to absorb the intensity of UV light so that can be used as an active ingredient for sunscreen cream preparations. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of variations Antin-3 leaf extract nanoencapsulated were 0.3% : 0.6% : 0.9% [F1:F2:F3] on the physical stability using a mechanical and freeze thaw test (3 cycles,48 hours for each cycle). Mechanical test results show that all of the formula were not separated. The freeze and thaw test result show that the differences of variations nanoencapsulated Antin-3 leaf extract had not affect for the color, aroma and homogeneity, type of cream (water in oil type) and pH value but had an influence for the spreadability value. The best formula that can be chosen is F3 because it had the highest concentration of Antin-3 leaf extract nanoencapsulated. It is necessary to reformulate by increasing the concentration of consistency stabilizer agent.
Keywords: Sunscreen, nanoencapsulation, Antin-3, freeze thaw, mechanical test
UVA dan UVB sinar matahari mampu merusak jaringan kulit. Flavonoid dan polifenol dalam nanoenkapsulasi ekstrak daun ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) varietas Antin-3 mampu menyerap intensitas sinar UV sehingga dapat dijadikan bahan aktif untuk sediaan krim tabir surya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari pengaruh variasi kandungan nanoenkapsulasi ekstrak daun Antin-3 yaitu 0,3% : 0,6% : 0,9% [F1:F2:F3] terhadap stabilitas fisik mekanik dan freeze thaw (3 siklus, per siklus 48 jam). Hasil uji mekanik menunjukkan bahwa ketiga formula tersebut tidak memisah. Hasil uji freeze and thaw menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan variasi nonoenkapsulasi ekstrak daun Antin-3 tidak mempengaruhi warna, aroma dan homogenitas, tipe krim minyak dalam air dan nilai pH namun memberikan pengaruh terhadap nilai daya sebar. Formula terbaik yang dapat dipilih adalah F3 karena memiliki konsentrasi nanoenkapsulasi ekstrak daun Antin-3 paling tinggi. Perlu dilakukan reformulasi dengan meningkatkan konsentrasi bahan penstabil konsistensi.
Kata Kunci: tabir surya, nanoenkapsulasi, Antin-3, freeze thaw, uji mekanik