Association for North-American Studies (AISNA) and its Forum have been central to my growth as a researcher: I thank the whole community of colleagues and friends who provided me with a lively and stimulating intellectual context. In particular, I am grateful to Pia Masiero at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, who first inspired me to pursue the study of narrative theories, and to Andrea Carosso at the University of Torino for viii • ACKNOwLEDGMENTS his welcoming and generous encouragement. I also want to acknowledge Cristina Trinchero and the other collaborators in the Open Literature Project at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures at the University of Torino for their invaluable support over the years. I thank Ana Maria Jimenez-Moreno at The Ohio State University Press for her consistent help and thoughtful feedback, and the anonymous reader of the press, who offered helpful suggestions. And I thank my friends, my family, and my partner for their love and enthusiastic support as the book came to fruition.Early versions of my arguments have appeared elsewhere. I am grateful for permission to reprint. Material from "Changing Dominants, Changing Features? The Fiction/Nonfiction Distinction in Contemporary Literary and Instagram Narratives, "