The lectotypification of ten Linnaean names in the genus Galium: G. aristatum, G. hierosolymitanum, G. laevigatum, G. maritimum, G. palustre, G. purpureum (≡ Asperula purpurea), G. pusillum, G. rubrum, G. saxatile, and G. uliginosum, is discussed. The designation of the nomenclatural types is based on the consultation of Linnaeus's original material and the literature cited in the respective protologues. The names are lectotypified using specimens from BIF‐LAPP (Linnaean herbarium from the Iter Lapponicum), BM (Clifford Herbarium), LINN, and UPS (UPS‐BURSER and UPS‐LINN), and an illustration of Boccone (1697). An epitype is also designated for G. laevigatum due to ambiguity in the interpretation of the lectotype. Linnaeus's original material of G. minutum, G. rubioides, and G. sylvaticum could not be found.