Karyotype and SDS-PAGE analysis in three accessions each of Passiflora edulis; P. edulis Sims. f. flaviocarpa O.Deg -yellow passion fruit, P.edulis f. edulis -purple passion fruit, and P.edulis 'Panama Red', and in three varieties of the wild species, P. foetida, P.foetida var. foetida, P.foetida var. hispida, and P. foetida var. gossippifolia, were carried out to study the genetic diversity in the species. Analysis of root tip cells revealed the presence of 2n=18 in P.edulis, 2n=16 in P.foetida var. foetida, and 2n=20 in P.foetida var. hispida and P.foetida var. gossippifolia. The somatic chromosome number of two varieties viz, P.foetida var. hispida, and P. foetida var. gossippifolia are reported for the first time. Karyotype analysis and SDS-PAGE protein profiling suggest variations at the intra-as well as interspecific levels in Passiflora. Low TF% i.e., 40 % observed in varieties of P. edulis point to the evolved nature of the cultivated taxa. Unique protein bands in P. foetida (65.66KDa) and P.edulis (17.50KDa) support their interspecific variation. Dendrogram based on UPGMA analysis emphasize the relationships among the taxa.