ABSTRACT. Characters of the resting, the mitotic prophase and metaphase chromosomes in three species of Thymus were studied. The species studied had commonly resting chromosomes of the complex chromocenter type and mitotic prophase chromosomes of the proximal type. Thymus mongolicus showed the chromosome numbers of 2n=26 and 27 and T. przewalskii and T. roseus showed the chromosome number of 2n=26. The chromosome number of 2n=26 for T. przewalskii and that of 2n=27 for T. mongolicus were reported here for the first time and that of 2n=26 for T. roseus and T. mongilicus verified the previous reports. The chromosome number of 2n=27 for T. mongolicus seemed to have one B-chromosome as 2n=26+1B with respect to the existence of a peculiar heteropycnotic body at resting stage and high pollen stainability. Three species were commonly placed in the diploid level if the basic chromosome numbers of x=13 was accepted. Their karyotypes at mitotic metaphase were quite similar to each other regarding chromosome sizes, chromosome types according to the centromeric position and mono-modality of chromosome lengths from the longest to the shortest chromosomes except for satellite sizes. Thymus L., the Lamiaceae (Labiatae) is small subshrub plants and consists of approximately 400 species (Willis 1982). They are distributed in the temperate zone of the Eurasian continent, mainly in the Mediterranean region (Willis 1982) and grow in diabase, serpentine and calcareous rocks, limestone, in cracks rocks, on a bank, steppe, on sandy soils, xerophilous grassland, on loessic slopes and along road sides. Thymus has always been taxonomically problematic group and views concerning the taxonomic definition of the forms are extremely varied. It produces some natural hybrids. Plants of the genus is often cultivated and propagate to extract the aromatic ethereal oil and flavouring.
KEYWORDS:The first cytological observation in Thymus was counting and documenting the chromosome number: 2n=24 in T. serpyllum reported by Löve and Löve (1942). Then, many more researchers have found at least 50 different chromosome numbers from 2n=14 of T. seravschanicus to 2n=90 of T. zygioides var. lycaonicus. They also have found aneuploidy in T. longedentatus as well as autoploidy in about 170 taxa included 139 species, 17 subspecies, 12 varieties and two hybrids by Löve and Löve (1942), Saaremaa (1947), Jalas (1948), Jalas and Kaleva (1966Kaleva ( , 1967, Trela-Sawicka (1968, 1970, Gogina and Svetozarova (1972), Gurzenkov (1972), Lee (1972), Jalas and Uotila (1976), Krogulevich (1978), Arrigonia et. al. (1980, Bir and Saggoo (1980), ElenaRoselló (1980), Morales Valverde (1980, 19861986a, 1990, Astanova (1981), Hruška and Bellomaria (1982), Fernandes and Leitao (1984), Funamoto et. al. (1993), Markova and Goranova (1994, Mártonfi and Mártonfiova (1996), Boscaiu et al. (1998), Tahiri et al. (1998, Constantinidis et al. (2002). Jalas (1948), Jalas and Kalev (1967) and Mártonfi and Mártonfiova (1996) and Mehrpure et al. (2002) have discussed chromosomal evolutio...