In the field of the construction industry, many aspects of industrial accident protection must be taken into account in order to prevent extraordinary events. Furthermore the three most common types of questions asked in investments are what, when and for how much. This is no different in structural engineering within the construction industry. This issue is particularly interesting when we talk about temporary structures, such as slab formwork. With the finished product, such as a residential building, a public building or an industrial hall structure, formwork is no longer encountered, and yet it is one of the most costly and time-consuming processes of monolithic reinforced concrete structure construction. Post-calculations show that formwork accounts for about 35-40% of the total cost of reinforced concrete structural construction. Thus, it is understandable that both designers and contractors have always been concerned about how best to optimize the amount of formwork to be used and their timely use. For this reason, the remaining formwork bark panels, which partially replace the floor formwork, were developed. The article shows that time and cost factors can also influence the occurrence of extraordinary events.