In this survey paper we present results about link diagrams in Seifert manifolds using arrow diagrams, starting with link diagrams in F × S 1 and N×S 1 , where F is an orientable and N an unorientable surface. Reidemeister moves for such arrow diagrams make the study of link invariants possible. Transitions between arrow diagrams and alternative diagrams are presented. We recall results about the Kauffman bracket and HOMFLYPT skein modules of some Seifert manifolds using arrow diagrams, namely lens spaces, a product of a disk with two holes times S 1 , RP 3 #RP 3 , and prism manifolds. We also present new bases of the Kauffman bracket and HOMFLYPT skein modules of the solid torus and lens spaces.1 Arrow diagrams of links in products and twisted products of S 1 and a surface Let F be an orientable surface and N an unorientable surface. In this section we recall the construction of arrow diagrams for links in F × S 1 , introduced in [13], and N×S 1 , introducted in [11]. These diagrams are very similar to gleams introduced in [16].
Arrow diagrams of links in. By a general position argument we may assume that L intersects F 0 transversally in a finite number of points. In M the link L becomes L -a collection of circles and arcs with endpoints coming in pairs (x, 0) and (x, 1), x ∈ F . Let π be the vertical projection from M onto F . Then π(L ) is a collection of closed curves. Again, by a general position argument, we may assume that there are only transversal double points in π(L ) and the endpoints of arcs are projected onto points distinct from these double points. An arrow diagram D of the link L is π(L ) with some extra information: for double points P , the usual information of over-and undercrossing is encoded depending on the relative height of the two points π −1 (P ) in F × [0, 1]; for points Q that are projections of endpoints of arcs (x, 0) and (x, 1) in L , orient L in such a way that the height drops by 1 in L when the first coordinate crosses x, and put on Q an arrow indicating this orientation.Thus, an arrow diagram D is a collection of immersed curves in F , with under-and overcrossing information for double points and some arrows on these curves. For an example see the diagram on Figure 1.We call an arrow diagram regular, if none of the following forbidden positions appear on the diagram: i) cusps (Fig. 2a),ii) self-tangency points (Fig. 2b), iii) triple points (Fig. 2c), iv) two arrows coincide (Fig. 2d), v) arrows and crossings coincide (Fig. 2e).