Mitochondria utilize diverse cytoskeleton-based mechanisms to control their functions and morphology. Here, we report a role for kinesin-like protein KLP6, a newly identified member of the kinesin family, in mitochondrial morphology and dynamics. An RNA interference screen using Caenorhabditis elegans led us to identify a C. elegans KLP-6 involved in maintaining mitochondrial morphology. We cloned a cDNA coding for a rat homolog of C. elegans KLP-6, which is an uncharacterized kinesin in vertebrates. A rat KLP6 mutant protein lacking the motor domain induced changes in mitochondrial morphology and significantly decreased mitochondrial motility in HeLa cells, but did not affect the morphology of other organelles. In addition, the KLP6 mutant inhibited transport of mitochondria during anterograde movement in differentiated neuro 2a cells. To date, two kinesins, KIF1Bα and kinesin heavy chain (KHC; also known as KIF5) have been shown to be involved in the distribution of mitochondria in neurons. Expression of the kinesin heavy chain/KIF5 mutant prevented mitochondria from entering into neurites, whereas both the KLP6 and KIF1Bα mutants decreased mitochondrial transport in axonal neurites. Furthermore, both KLP6 and KIF1Bα bind to KBP, a KIF1-binding protein required for axonal outgrowth and mitochondrial distribution. Thus, KLP6 is a newly identified kinesin family member that regulates mitochondrial morphology and transport.