This research is motivated by the existence of the phenomenon of subjective well being problems in employees such as employees complaining about their work, unable to build good relationships in the work environment, lack of self-confidence towards employees, lack of control over negative emotions so that employees feel unpleasant things and feel productivity at work not maximal. This study aims to determine whether there is a positive relationship between subjective well-being and gratitude for CV X employees. This research is a correlational study. The variables in this study are subjective well being as the Y variable and gratitude as the X variable. This research has a population of 118 employees. The sample in this study uses the entire population so that the sampling technique used is the Saturated Sampling Technique. Data collection techniques in this study used a psychological scale with the Likert scaling model, namely subjective well being (SWLS and PANAS) and gratitude. Data analysis was carried out using the SPSS 25.0 for Windows program. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between subjective well-being and gratitude for CV X employees (r=0.337, p=0.00, p<0.05, with a level of subjective well-being in the high category of 72.9%.