Purpose: The goal of this study was to evaluate radiographers’ knowledge and practice on different methods for attracting pediatrics’ cooperation in medical imaging departments for achieving high-quality images without repetition and minimum absorbed dose.
Materials and Methods: For conducting this descriptive-analytical study, a researcher-made questionnaire, including two parts of radiographer knowledge and practical methods, which were applied as a routine in the departments for reduction of pediatrics’ stress, was distributed between radiographers.
Results: The results revealed that verbal justification was declared as the most efficient way of informing the parents as compared to the other methods. Establishing verbal communication is the most practical way of engaging the child. Meanwhile, application of immobilization tools, justification of parents by the admission staff, playing music was used, respectively.
Conclusion: Considering these findings, there is a need to equip the imaging department with the appropriate facilities, perform continuous training of radiographers to increase the practice of different techniques and tools.