Experimental activities are a hallmark of science learning (one of which is Physics), where students are allowed to gain experience as scientists to discover a concept. Through experimental activities, students are actively involved in learning and discovery, so students will gain knowledge and be trained in 21st-century skills that students need. One of the determinants of the implementation and effectiveness of experimental activities in learning Physics in schools is the knowledge and skills of teachers in designing experimental activities, especially in pandemic masses where learning is generally carried out online. So that training activities for teachers are needed as an effort to train students' 21st-century skills through appropriate experimental activities. The one-shot case study method was used with data collection instruments in an open questionnaire and a multiple-choice concept mastery test to see the impact of the training activities attended by 65 high school teacher participants from various regions throughout Indonesia. Based on the data processing results, information was obtained that all participants gave a positive response to the training activities with the achievement of mastering the concept of designing experiments in the good category. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the experimental design training activities can provide knowledge and motivation for teachers to carry out experiments in physics learning at school. It is expected to train students' 21st-century skills. However, based on the results of the activity evaluation, it was found two things that became material for reflection on the improvement of activities; namely, there were at least 4 participants who experienced internet network problems during the activity, and the duration of the training time was still lacking.
Experiment Design • Physics Learning • 21 st -Century SkillsPerkembangan dunia pada saat ini telah memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0, bentuk kehidupan manusia telah berbasis informasi (Khasanah, 2019). Pendidikan saat ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan SDM yang memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan kolaborasi yang kuat, ahli dalam menggunakan teknologi, keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan inovatif serta kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah (Miller & Northern, 2011). Abad 21 berpusat pada perkembangan Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang mengedepankan pengetahuan sebagai tombak utama. Namun, dengan pengetahuan saja tidak cukup untuk mewujudkan Era Revolusi Industri 4.0, karena perlu adanya keseimbangan antara pengetahuan dengan keterampilan sebagai dasar dari sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas pada perkembangan zaman (Mardhiyah, 2021).